To create a new fund navigate to the fund link on the left hand side of the admin dashboard.
If you cannot see the fund link or do not have access to the page please contact an administrator to ensure you have the correct permissions.
Click add new fund at the top of the page.
Here is a screenshot displaying the different fields for creating a fund:
- Here you can enter the title.
- This is where you set the url.
- Yeost SEO is a plugin for Search Engine Optimisation further documentation on this plugin can be found here:
- Here you can set a featured image fro the fund this will be displayed funding item listing on the home page and as the header for the fund’s page.
- There are 3 tabs under the Fund Info display The first is General which includes the main content for the fund. The second is Companies Helped By This Fund which will allow you to select portfolio items for the fund. Lastly the EIS FUND tab this tab is for EIS Fund content items specifically.
- In the General tab you will find a text editor where you can enter the bulk of the content of your fund. Futher documentation on WordPress’ Visual Editor can be found here:
- The Key areas we want to support field will display the corrsponding section on the fund leaving this field empty will result in the box not being shown.
- Selecting the Companies Helped By This Fund tab will show a multi select search field of all portfoilios on the site. To add a new portfolio please click the Portfolios tab on the left hand side of the admin panel. The companies that you select will display at the bottom of the fun in a grid.
- The EIS Fund Checkbox controls EIS Fund specific styleing of the Fund page. Selecting this checkbox will display the Request Information Memorandum Form and hide the Enquire Form. Selecting this checkbox will also cause the warning ticker to be displayed.
- The information box title will display in the top of the information box similar to the Key areas we want to support field.
- The infromation box field is almost identical to the Key areas we want to support field. A fund can have both boxes present with unique content. Leave this field blank to hide the box.
Click save followed by publish to create your fund.